June 05, 2006

Blogroll temporarily down (back up!)

Update: June 6th - blogrolling.com has completed the maintenance, so the blogroll is back up.

Blogrolling.com is experiencing some technical difficulties with their server, so the site is offline for the time being.

As a result, the NB blogroll (and any other blogrolls that use blogrolling.com) will be down until the maintenance is completed.

Blogrolling.com news release

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Canadian Sentinel said...

Now I understand the probable reason why I'm not yet on the blogroll.

I sent an email on the weekend to advise of my desire to join.

I hope my fellow NBers don't find me too conservative to be included...

Anonymous said...

Nope, no judgments on what's on anyone's blog, a connection to NB is the only requirement to be a member of this blogroll. :)

(Okay, well maybe some judgments: no porn, blogs that promote hate, etc., but no one has submitted a site like that)

You are now added to the blogroll. Sorry for the delay, I didn't receive your email! Follow the instructions here to put the blogroll on your website:

